Pocatello Pump
Upper Ross Pavilion, 3101 Avenue of the Chiefs, Pocatello, ID 83204, USA
(208) 282-3912
(208) 282-3912

Mark your calendars!! Before you know it your calendar will be full of dentist appointments, weddings, soccer games, oil changes, and other fun things. September 14 & 15, 2019 you’ll want to leave open for the best darn climbing comp ever…the Pocatello Pump. Tell your friends!
What is the Pocatello Pump?
The oldest (37 years climbing) and most fun rock climbing competition in America.
Where is it?
The basalt crags of Ross Park’s Sunny Side and Shady Side (Exit 67 (5th Avenue Exit) off I-15, Pocatello, Idaho)
Competition Categories
There is a local and non-local division for each category below. If less than five entrants are registered in the same category, the local and non-local divisions may be combined