Outdoor Recreation
Outdoor Recreational locations in Pocatello & Chubbuck
Stuart Park Splash Pad
5161 Stuart Ave Chubbuck, Idaho 83202, USA
(208) 237-2430
(208) 237-2430
Lava Hot Springs- Disc Golf Course
Olympic Swimming Complex -430 East Main Street Lava Hot Springs, Idaho 83246 USA
(208) 776-5221
(208) 776-5221
The Pocatello Sunrise Lions Club – Disc Golf Complex
East Mink Creek Nordic Center - 144 Wilson Avenue Pocatello, Idaho, 83201 USA
(208) 234-6237
(208) 234-6237
Sister City Park – Disc Golf Course
Sister City Park, &, Pocatello Creek Rd & Satterfield Dr. Pocatello, Idaho 83201, USA
(208) 234-6232
(208) 234-6232
Bengal Ridge at ISU Disc Golf Course
East Terry Street, Pocatello, Idaho, 83201, USA
(208) 552-1861
(208) 552-1861
Snake River Fly
257 N Main St, Pocatello, ID 83204 USA
(208) 904-3900
(208) 904-3900
Sunny Side Cliffs – Climbing at Ross Park
3460 S 2nd Ave Pocatello, ID 83204 USA
(208) 282-3912
(208) 282-3912
Shady Side Trail – Climbing at Ross Park
Shady Side Trail-Climbing at Ross Park Pocatello, ID 83204 USA
(208) 282-3912
(208) 282-3912
ISU Challenge Course
1998 Alvin Ricken Dr Pocatello, ID, 83209 USA
(208) 282-3912
(208) 282-3912
Lava Hot Springs Olympic Swimming Complex
195 N Center St, Lava Hot Springs, ID 83246, USA
(208) 776-5221
(208) 776-5221
The Outback Golf Park
1665 Pocatello Creek Rd, Pocatello, ID 83201, USA
(208) 234-0612
(208) 234-0612
Upper Ross Park Disc Golf Course
3101 Avenue of the Chiefs, Pocatello, Idaho, 83204, USA
(208) 234-6232
(208) 234-6232
Riverside Golf Course
3500 Bannock Hwy, Pocatello, ID 83204, USA
(208) 232-9515
(208) 232-9515
Highland Golf Course
201 Von Elm Ln, Pocatello, ID 83201, USA
(208) 237-9922
(208) 237-9922
Edson Fichter Pond
Pocatello, Idaho, 83204, USA
(800) 554-8685
(800) 554-8685
Ross Park Aquatic Complex
2901 South 2nd Avenue, Pocatello, ID, 83204, USA
(208) 234-0472
(208) 234-0472
Pebble Creek Ski Area
3340 E Green Canyon Rd, Inkom, ID 83245, USA
(208) 775-4452
(208) 775-4452
East Mink Creek Nordic Center
144 Wilson Ave Pocatello, ID 83201, USA
(208) 234-6237
(208) 234-6237
Lava Hot Springs Mineral Pools
430 Main St, Lava Hot Springs, ID 83246, USA
(208) 776-5221
(208) 776-5221
Portneuf Greenway Foundation (office)
420 N Main St, Pocatello, ID, 83204, USA
(208) 234-4929
(208) 234-4929
Pocatello Pump
Upper Ross Pavilion, 3101 Avenue of the Chiefs, Pocatello, ID 83204, USA
(208) 282-3912
(208) 282-3912
Pocatello Skate Park
2901 S 2nd Ave, Pocatello, ID 83204, USA
(208) 234-6232
(208) 234-6232
Pocatello City Recreation Center
144 Wilson Ave, Pocatello, ID 83201, USA
(208) 232-3901
(208) 232-3901
Portneuf Wellness Complex
2375 Olympus Dr, Pocatello, ID 83201, USA
+1 208-237-1340
+1 208-237-1340
Massacre Rocks State Park
Massacre Rocks State Park, 3592 Park Ln, American Falls, ID 83211, USA
(208) 548-2672
(208) 548-2672
American Falls Reservoir
American Falls Dam, American Falls, ID 83211, USA